D-Link SecureSpot

D-Link SecureSpot is the first all-in-one desktop Internet security device designed for protecting the home and family. The home broadband user now has access to a comprehensive, effective, and easy-to-use desktop security device that eliminates the need for multiple (and frequently incompatible) complex and expensive software solutions.
All-in-one Desktop Internet Security Device
* First solution of its kind in the market place.
* More cost-effective and efficient than buying, installing, and integrating many confusing and expensive stand-alone security products on multiple computers.
* The vast majority of homes and small offices connected to the Internet are still unprotected from hackers, viruses, spam and new, emerging threats.
* Despite the greater awareness computer users have of these threats, tech savvy users have to choose from confusing and expensive stand-alone security products, while the average PC owner seldom has the time and/or technical know-how to research and install the best solution.
* Brought to consumers from trusted and recognized vendors—D-Link and Bsecure.
* Enterprise-grade AntiVirus from Sophos.
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